What is Aleph.js ?
Aleph.js gives you the best developer experience for building modern web applications: TypeScript in Deno, ES module imports, file-system routing, SSR & SSG, HMR with Fast Refresh, and more. No config needed.
deno install -A -f -n aleph https://deno.land/x/aleph@v0.2.28/cli.ts
Create App
aleph init hello
cd hello
Start the app & Visit development server
aleph dev
Start the app in production mode:
aleph start
Build the app to a static site(SSG):
aleph build
Server features:
- Compile modules(js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,css,less...) and manage deps
- HMR With React Fast Refresh
- Serve APIs from ./api/
- Server-side rendering of ./pages/
- Serve Static files from ./public/ (mapped to /)
More Details : Aleph.js